Tela Digital Agency

Saffron Walden Round Table are delighted to announce that local digital agency Tela – Digital Agency has signed up to become the first Carnival Partner of next year’s 8DayWeekend.

Tela, which operates from offices on Hill Street, was the first to approach and offer support.
Having witnessed the success of the 8 Day Weekend in prior years, Tela Managing Director, Shara Vickers, commented “8 Day Weekend is great fun and brings enormous benefits to Saffron Walden – we knew we wanted to be part of it and we’re keen to sign up as a corporate sponsor. This is the first time we have sponsored 8 Day Weekend and we are excited to be joining what promises to be a wonderful event!”

Said Chairman Nick Head: “Sponsorship provides a critical financial foundation for 8DayWeekend and connecting with partners such as Tela mean many important commitments can be secured in advance. We are thrilled to secure their support – adding a new partner to our existing roster of long-term supporters has been really encouraging. We look forward to giving you more sponsor news in the coming weeks”.

Tela is a creative digital agency that provides a wide array of services designed to help businesses target their customers and deliver measurable results. The company was founded in 1997 and serves clients both locally and further afield in areas as diverse as brand development, strategic planning and promoting web presence to help deliver business goals.

#8DayWeekend #8DW #SaffronWalden #Carnival #RoundTable #Tela #CarnivalPartner #SaveTheDates #10thto18thJuly2020